hip hip foray

Domaine Foray is a new bed & breakfast / Creative Retreat / Restaurant in Burgundy.

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Bed & Breakfast & Beyond

Nestled between river and forest, your room is your place to dream day and night. But first, enjoy a locally sourced, plant-based breakfast.

Your room is also your personal writing space overlooking vast fields and forest. Your room comes with access to the artist studios and spaces to work and play in.

Peaceful Productivity

Sweet dreams for sweet dreamers

A room for film lovers, a room for vinyl record enthusiasts, novelists, readers, thinkers and dreamers, we’ve created bespoke rooms for everyone to enjoy.



Pause with Purpose

Disconnect from the distractions of daily life and embrace a slower pace that allows for deep focus and creative thinking. Let these serene surroundings, and the tranquil ambiance spark your inspiration and nurture your projects.

Reconnect with a community of creatives and thinkers. Share a meal, meet up in our communal workspaces, co-create in studios and get inspired by collective thinking to cultivate ideas and social connexions.


More at Foray

Discover a fantastic playground to imagine and set up your workshops, masterclasses, retreats, yoga classes, feasts, launch parties, celebrations… With it’s 200 square meters reception halls, it’s verdant terrace and it’s 4 hectares of land, Domaine Foray grants your wildest wishes of full rentals. Flexible lodging accommodations are available.

  • Check-in is from 3pm to 7pm. If you need to arrive earlier or leave later that is possible, depending on availability of your room. Please reach out to arrange with us.

    Check-out is at 11am.

    Dinner is served on demand for the guests of Domaine Foray. The menu is homemade, seasonal, local and vegetarian. Price is 23€ for main and desert. Reach out to know about today’s menu and book until 5pm to have dinner by night. We accommodate to your allergies. Pair your food with our amazing wines, beers or soft drinks (not included in the menu’s price).

    Parking is in front the hotel but please reach out if you need more accessibility or help carrying your baggage. We do lift.

    Pets are allowed and loved but in the event of damage or soiling, cleaning or repair costs will be billed.

    Breakfast is included in the price of the bedroom. It’s local and mostly plan based. You’ll get fresh croissants, organic bread from the best baker in town, and eggs from the local market, locally sourced honey and jam and homemade delicatessen. Breakfast is from 8am to 11am. Please let us know if you have any allergie.

    To modify or cancel your stay refer to your specific booking for the terms and conditions of your options.

    For any other inquiry, please contact us at info@domaineforay.com

    Check-out à 11h maximum.

    Dîner servi sur demande pour les hôtes du Domaine Foray. Le menu est fait maison, de saison, local et végétarien. Le prix est de 23 € pour le plat et le dessert. Contactez-nous pour connaître le menu du jour et réservez jusqu'à 17 heures le jour même pour dîner le soir. Nous tenons compte de vos allergies, merci de nous les signaler. Accompagnez votre repas de nos excellents vins, bières ou boissons non alcoolisées (non inclus dans le prix du menu).

    Parking devant l’hôtel n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toutes questions sur l’accessibilité et demandez nous de l’aide pour porter vos bagages.

    Animaux autorisés et choyés mais en cas de détérioration ou de salissure, les frais de nettoyage ou de réparation vous seront facturés.

    Petit-déjeuner inclus local et végétarien. Vous trouverez des croissants frais, du pain bio provenant du meilleur boulanger de la ville, des œufs du marché, du miel et de la confiture d'origine locale et d’autres surprises faites maison. Le petit-déjeuner est servi de 8 heures à 11 heures. Veuillez nous informer si vous avez des allergies.

    Pour modifier ou annuler votre séjour reportez-vous à votre réservation pour connaître les termes et conditions de vos options.

    Pour toute demande, contactez-nous à info@domaineforay.com

  • Our rooms have a selection of natural, locally sourced toiletries to make your stay comfortable. Every room is equipped with a desk station and fast wifi. See more details on our booking page.

  • Bike along the Yonne river to GPS coordinates 48.00816, 3.32175

    Take the train to Joigny or Saint-Julien-du-Saut then Bus L802 to ‘Abri Cimetiere’ bus stop.

    Drive your car 10 min from the A6 highway and take ‘Sortie 18’.

  • We welcome short and long stay, up to months long.

    Reach out to stay@domaineforay.com to know more about or longer stay conditions.

  • Yes ! We do full rentals of ensuite bedrooms and spacious interior and exterior accomodations. Reach out to info@domaineforay.com and tell us more about your project / workshop / conference / party…

  • By booking a short or long term stay in Domaine Foray, you have access to facilities, grounds and the art studios. Reach out to info@domaineforay.com to know more about those spaces and the equipment on hand.

  • Domaine Foray has a creative residency program to provide facility and accommodation to creatives across any existing or invented discipline through research and creation stages.

    Domaine Foray is a new creative space and we are actively working towards creating a virtuous financing system to offer grants for creatives in the near future. In the meantime, we provide budget residency that cover logistic and operating costs of the creative stays.

    If you’re interested, please reach out to stay@domaineforay.com with a brief project description, your bio, and links to any ressources that would help us immerge in your creative mind.

    Please note that your participation in a creative residency at Domaine Foray implies an active commitment to our values of appreciation, acceptance and transparency.

  • Lena, producer and immersive experience designer, and Jamie, musician and composer, foster together a vibrant community of artists, art-minded travelers, and digital nomads. They promote art in all its forms as a tool for social connection and change.

    Domaine Foray is not only their home but also a playground to experiment, create and showcase the power of arts integration for revitalizing spaces.

  • Reach out by email at info@domaineforay.com or by phone (to come)


Want the whole Domaine for yourself?

Get in touch to talk about hosting your event, team, workshop here!